  • Kolekcje
  • Publikacje grupowe
  • Typ pliku
  • Autor
  • Temat i słowa kluczowe
  • Data wydania
  • Typ zasobu
  • Język

Szukana fraza: [Abstrakt = "In this paper an investigation of social media marketing techniques of Coworking spaces’ type of business is performed, using datasets acquired using social media monitoring tools. Mediatoolkit has been used to scrap data deriving from the activity of the WeWork Instagram and Twitter accounts which were collected on a 24\/7 basis from varying locations and in multiple languages in a fifteen\-day time window. Indices related to sentiment, reach, influence, number of followers, retweets, likes, comments, and view scores formed the datasets that were examined by applying multiple correspondence analysis as well as the hierarchical clustering method. The aim of this paper was to explore the inherent properties of the multiple indices describing the general realm of social media marketing tools, and more specifically aspires to provide digital marketers with an alternative perspective of social media marketing strategies related to the emerging coworking spaces type of business. The authors identified three classes\/segments of posts, whereas post polarity tends to relate to geographic location, regardless of the social media channel used for posting"]

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