@misc{Zygmunt_Anna_Wnioskowanie_2005, author={Zygmunt, Anna and Koźlak, Jarosław and Valenta, Marek A.}, year={2005}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu; 2005; nr 1064, s. 339-350}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu}, language={pol}, abstract={Classical approach to reality modelling in databases causes difficulties in development of model of represented data as well as integration of data stored in different, heterogeneous and distributed systems. It lacks of common representation methods of data and their semantics as well as methods of data exchanging among sources, and in consequence - knowledge obtained on their basis. The need of the introduction of standards to knowledge descriptions came into being. One of the intensely developing approaches are ontologies. Ontologies make it possible to model a reality using concepts, their properties and relationships among them. Knowledge based on ontologies may also contain the set of instances of concepts defined in such a way. Several ontology description languages were proposed (for example Ontolingua, OIL, DAML). Currently, commonly used are RDF, RDFS and OWL (the standards of description of these languages were prepared and accepted by W3C). Ontologies provide concepts which may be understood in the same way by all the systems operating on the knowledge represented in this manner. They make it possible to share knowledge and to realize cooperation between different knowledge sources. It is possible to develop an ontology structure performing the integration process, assuming that ontologies contain only partial descriptions of some concepts and may be complementary to one another. As a result one can obtain a model of reality with higher expression. Ontology integration may be performed using tools like library Jena or Prompt – a plug-in to ontologies editor Protćgć 2000. Such a knowledge organization provides environment for performing reasoning process. Reasoning may use distributed knowledge from particular sources containing knowledge expressed in ontologies. There exist several solutions making it possible to perform a reasoning process using ontological representation (in OWL or other compatible to Protćgć 2000 format): Racer, F-OWL with Flora2, Bossam, Jess, and Algernon. The most interesting and promising approach is Description Logic reasoning. In the paper, a concept of a system which makes it possible to reason on the basis of distributed sources of medical knowledge, expressed in RDF or OWL, is presented. One can distinguish the following logical layers: knowledge sources using ontological representation, a knowledge integration layer (based on agent approach, supported by JADE platform), a reasoning layer using Racer system and a user interaction layer (responsible for queries about knowledge, among the others the ones which need a reasoning process).}, title={Wnioskowanie na podstawie wiedzy wyrażonej ontologicznie - koncepcja środowiska}, type={artykuł}, }