 author={Vasiuk, Nataliia and Petruchenko, Nataliia and Dankevych, Nataliia},
 contributor={Myrna-Bekas, Renata. Redakcja and Wierzbicka, Monika. Redakcja},
 identifier={DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0054.9588},
 rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa},
 description={Zeszyty Naukowe Collegium Witelona, nr 51(2)/2024, s. 49-63},
 abstract={The factors of increasing the efficiency of personnel management of a municipal medical institution are determined. The activities of the Municipal Enterprise ‘Central Primary Healthcare Centre No. 2’ are analysed. On the basis of SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of this medical institution are identified. Three options for improving the personnel management system of the MNE ‘Central Primary Healthcare Centre No. 2’ are proposed for implementation.},
 title={Human resources management of municipal healthcare institutions: problems and development prospects},
 keywords={healthcare, healthcare facility, municipal healthcare facility, human resources management, medical staff, human resources, staff motivation, opieka zdrowotna, zakład opieki zdrowotnej, komunalna placówka medyczna, zarządzanie personelem, personel medyczny, zasoby kadrowe, motywacja personelu},