 author={Joshi, Reema and Rathi, Manish and Kaur, Komal Preet},
 rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Polskich Olimpijczyków we Wrocławiu},
 abstract={Introduction. The digital age has made children more dependent on digital sources for study and entertainment, which leads to increased physical inactivity that contributes to reduced work breathing and attention. Yogasana can be a promising form of physical activity that improves a child’s lung function and attention span if, started at a young age. To find out the effect of yoga exercises on lung volumes, vital capacity, and attention span in school-going children.Methods. A total of 56 children between the ages of 10–15 years were included using the chit method. The children were ran-domly divided into 2 groups: group A (yoga group, n = 27) and group B (control group, n = 29). The students of both groups were assessed for chest expansion, lung volumes, and attention span. Group A (yoga group) was trained to perform yoga exercises 3 days a week for 4 weeks. Group B (control group) children were asked to perform daily activities. At the end of the 4 weeks, post-assessment of both the groups was assessed, documented, and statistically analysed using Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann–Whitney U-tests.Results. Respiratory parameters (FEV1, FVC/FEV1, and PEFR), chest expansion, and the attention span of group A were statisti-cally significant compared to group B with a p-value < 0.05.Conclusions. Yoga exercises led to improvement in lung volumes, vital capacity, and attention in school-going students.},
 title={Effect of yoga exercises on lung volumes, vital capacity, and attention span in school going students},
 keywords={yoga, lung volumes, attention span, Pranayama},