@misc{Drelich-Skulska_Bogusława_[Kierownik_merytoryczny_raportu]_Achievement_2024, author={Drelich-Skulska, Bogusława [Kierownik merytoryczny raportu]}, contributor={Jankowiak, Anna H. [Koordynatorka raportu] and Rojek-Nowosielska, Magdalena [Koordynatorka projektu] and Biazik, Ewa and Burdukiewicz, Aleksandra and Gilga, Krystyna and Kasprzyk-Machata, Joanna and Książkiewicz, Magdalena and Maćków, Jarosław and Marcinkowska, Joanna and Pacek, Mariusz and Popowicz, Ewa and Ryszawska, Bożena and Smolny, Katarzyna and Strączek, Łukasz and Teneta, Dorota and Trzebiński, Artur and Waszkis, Maria and Witek-Crabb, Anna and Wiszniowska-Tomaszewska, Magdalena and Witwicka-Dudek, Ałła and Wołowiec, Katarzyna and Wrona, Sylwia and Zaremba-Warnke, Sabina}, identifier={DOI: 10.15611/2024.27.6}, year={2024}, rights={Domena publiczna (Public domain)}, publisher={Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business}, description={s. 67}, language={eng}, abstract={[The report is devoted to the achievement of sustainable development goals at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in 2023. The document shows what SD actions are taken at the university with a special emphasis on the following goals: quality education, economic growth and decent work, innovation, industry, infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities as well as climate action.] nota autora}, type={raport}, title={Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Report for 2023. Wroclaw University of Economics and Business}, keywords={sustainable development, higher education, education quality, economic growth, sustainable cities}, }