@misc{Hardt_Łukasz_The_2013, author={Hardt, Łukasz}, year={2013}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Argumenta Oeconomica, 2013, Nr 2 (31), s. 29-48}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu}, language={eng}, abstract={Nowadays we can observe a consensus in the development literature that the quality of governance matters for economic development. Therefore, many postulate the implementation of the good governance principle, however, that very idea is not well defined and conceptualized. This paper offers some insights into the way that this concept can be better understood. We do this by applying the conceptual apparatus taken from complexity economics. What follows is the conclusion that the idea of good governance, as seen from the perspective of complexity economics, is very similar to the one of good enough governance. Moreover, we present some pragmatic recommendations for both the development policies as well as for the ways in which such policies should be prepared}, title={The idea of good (enough) governance. The view from complexity economics}, type={artykuł}, keywords={good governance, good enough governance, complexity economics, economic development, rozwój gospodarczy, modele zarządzania, styl zarządzania}, }