@misc{Sagan_Adam_IRT-based_2017, author={Sagan, Adam and Rybicka, Aneta and Brzezińska, Justyna}, identifier={DOI: 10.15611/ekt.2017.3.04}, year={2017}, rights={Pewne prawa zastrzeżone na rzecz Autorów i Wydawcy}, description={Ekonometria = Econometrics, 2017, Nr 3 (57), s. 47-58}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu}, language={eng}, abstract={Conjoint measurement and analysis have a common underlying psychometric and statistical assumption concerning axioms of additivity and two-way frame of reference in preference measurement. However, whereas the former concept is widely used in the fundamental measurement of subject × object dominance structures as in IRT and Rasch measurement models, the latter is utilized in a broad family of object × object dominance structures in both compositional (i.e. Thurstone case III and V) as well as decompositional (classical conjoint experiments and BTL/alpha simulation) preference measurement models. These two traditions are rarely combined in one measurement model and research design that integrates subject × object × object measurement [Neubauer 2003]. The aim of the paper is to adopt and compare three types of preference measurement models in the area of banking products in Poland: 1. paired-comparisons and rating scale conjoint experiment, 2. IRT-based conjoint (Rasch and Birnbaum politomous models), 3. compositional Thurstone III/V models [Bockenholt 2006]. Part-worth utilities are used for product optimization and comparison across the estimated models}, title={IRT-based conjoint analysis in the optimization of banking products}, type={artykuł}, keywords={conjoint measurement, conjoint analysis, IRT models, banking products, pomiar conjoint, modele IRT, produkty bankowe}, }