@misc{Krasiński_Henryk_(1804-1876)_The_1848, author={Krasiński, Henryk (1804-1876)}, year={1848}, rights={Domena publiczna (Public domain)}, description={Egz. z ded. aut. dla Henryka Lubomirskiego}, publisher={Partridge and Oakey}, language={pol}, title={The Cossacks of the Ukraine : comprising biographical notices of the most celebrated Cossack chiefs or attamans, including Chmielnicki, Stenko Razin, Mazeppa, Sava, Zelezniak, Gonta, Pugatchef, and a description of the Ukraine : with a memoir of princess Tarakanof, and some particulars respecting Catherine II., of Russia, and her favourites}, type={książka}, keywords={Katarzyna II (cesarzowa Rosji ; 1729-1796), Kozacy - Ukraina, Tarakanova, Elizaveta (ca 1745-1775), Ukraina - 1648-1775 r.}, }