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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = financing residential real estate] OR [Subject and Keywords = price determinants] OR [Subject and Keywords = bank] OR [Subject and Keywords = finansowanie nieruchomości mieszkaniowych] OR [Subject and Keywords = determinanty cenowe] OR [Title = Examining the Determinants of Residential Real Estate Prices. Evidence from Poland] OR [Creator = Ruszuk, Michał] OR [Creator = Spirzewski, Krzysztof]

Number of results: 314

Items per page:

Grabczan, Wojciech Nowak, Edward. Promotor Dobija, Mieczysław. Recenzent Misińska, Danuta. Recenzent

rozprawa doktorska

Brahim, Addis Luty, Zbigniew. Promotor Nowak, Edward. Recenzent Dobija, Mieczysław. Recenzent

rozprawa doktorska

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