
Title: ASEAN in view of the transformation of East Asian regionalism

Title in english:

ASEAN wobec przeobrażeń regionalizmu wschodnioazjatyckiego


Klecha-Tylec, Karolina


Ekonomia = Economics, 2012, Nr 3 (20), s. 33-44


Regionalism is a major determinant of regional processes taking place in East Asia - both in the northern sub-region (i.e. in Japan, China and the Republic of Korea) and the southern one (within the Association of South East Asia - ASEAN). This phenomenon has become particularly evident from the beginning of the 21st century - in large measure as a response to European regionalism (the establishment of the Single European Market and European Economic Area) and American (creation of NAFTA and Mercosur). As a result, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its member states have naturally become a part of East Asian regionalism. However, the significant supremacy of the Northeast Asian sub-region (primarily in economic terms), induced the necessity for the ASEAN ten member states to maintain their vital role in the East Asian region. For that reason, the Association had to take joint actions to prevent its marginalisation (not only in the framework of regional relations, but also in global dimensions). Increasing activity in this sphere can be noticed also when taking into account individual ASEAN members (especially Singapore) - through establishing numerous bilateral trade agreements with third parties. The purpose of this paper is to present the nature and the specificity of East Asian regionalism, to reveal regional relationships of ASEAN and its member states, to compare diversification of economic development within the Association against the countries of Northeast Asia, as well as to portray activities aimed at establishing the ASEAN Community, based on three pillars: the ASEAN Economic Community, the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community and the ASEAN Political-Security Community.


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Ekonomia = Economics, 2012, Nr 3 (20)


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